Exam results March 2024
100% pass rate.
32 Distinctions/Honours
15 Highly Commended
7 Commended/Merit
Exam results November 2022
100% pass rate.
29 Distinctions
30 Highly Commended
10 commended/Merit
Highest mark in:
Ballet 91%
Tap 88%
Freestyle 93%.
Exam results July 2021
100% pass rate.
48 Honours/Distinctions
12 Highly Commended
7 Commended
Musical Theatre gaining up to 95%
Ballet up to 89%
Tap up to 87%
Freestyle up to 95%
Exam results in June 2017
100% pass rate.
90% of students gained over 80 marks The highest score of 94 was achieved.
All 5 students that took Grade 3 Ballet qualified for the Southern Classical finals receiving distinction marks up to 88%.
All 3 Grade 4 Taps also qualified for the Theatre finals receiving Distinction up to 87%.
Ballet exams
8 pupils out of 12 in the recent Ballet exams were eligible to be entered for the Southern Ballet awards in October. Grades took from Grade 2 to Intermediate.
Exam results in March 2016
28 Distinctions 9 with over 90%.
12 Merits.
14 Highly Commended.
5 Pupils qualified for the Southern Classical Performers Award held in October.
2 Pupils were entered for Intermediate Ballet 1 with Distinction 1 with a high Merit mark.
The school held exams on June 22nd 2013
40 pupils received Distinction/Honours the highest mark was 94%.
The school held exams on 2nd July 2011
The marks were between 80% and 93%.
Well done to all the pupils once again a very high standard.
57 pupils were entered for exams in June for Ballet, Tap Freestyle and Musical Theatre.
Once again 100% pass rate was gained with marks between 80% and 91%.
All the pre-juvenile Ballet pupils passed with maximums marks
some only attending 1 term with the majority of them 4yrs old.
4th April for Ballet, Tap and Musical theatre,
12 honours
30 Highly commended
10 commended.
31 pupils took either Ballet, Tap or Musical Theatre
21 Honours
9 Highly Commended
1 Commended
The marks went up as high as 89%
These exams took place in March 2008.
24 Honours
20 Highly Commended
16 Pre Juvenile Ballet pupils were awarded maximum marks
100% pass rate
November 2007
Over 90 pupils took freestyle exams
Examined by the International Dance Teachers Association.
20 Honours
62 Highly Commended
16 Commended.
100% pass rate.
The results of the last 9 exam sessions.
Pupils were entered for ballet, tap, freestyle and musical theatre through the IDTA exam board.
190 honours
253 Highly Commended
92 Commended
100% pass rate